Wako-Delic Interview Wako-Delic are Alon Amir & Daniel Mor from Israel. We’ve been following their Wako sounds for a while now and hooked up…
Eitan Reiter from LOUD goes Out of Orbit
Eitan Reiter from LOUD goes Out of Orbit If you follow us you know we love Loud’s music, and been wondering, like many others where have the guy…
SUN – New Album Interview
SUN – New Album Interview SUN is Georgia Moschopoulou from Greece. She just released her new album in IONO Music, and so we hooked up with her t…
Artyficial – New Album Interview
Artyficial – New Album Interview Artyficial is Thomas Wallner from Austria, a busy DJ and producer. He has just released his debut album –…
S-Range & Arkamena – New Album Interview
S-Range & Arkamena – New Album Interview S-Range is Anthony Sillfors, one of the pioneers of the Scandinavian progressive psytrance scene, w…
Progressive Nation – interview with Liquid Soul & Ace Ventura
Trancentral is super happy to host for an interview again two of our favourite Psytrance artists – Ace Ventura & Liquid Soul. And the occas…