Exclusive interview with Astrix about his new album “He.art” Everyone knows Astrix, it seems, but very few people really know the person behind that name. With a new album just released we…
The magical Alex Grey
The magical Alex Grey Alex grey needs no introduction, as is THE master of psychedelic art. He is considered as one of the most known Psy-artists in the world, and his art spans over different of form…
Trip with National Geographic documentary on LSD
“Within 20-30 minutes you begin to feel energy flowing through your skin, you begin to smell the music, Ecstasy and fun and laughter and deeper vision, and compassion, a collapse of time and space, yo…
Astral Projection – 25 years of Goa trance
Astral Projection – 25 years of Goa trance With countless epic hits on their arsenal, adventures in Goa in the early 90`s and their own distinctive sound, Astral Projection are considered as som…
Out now: Ritmo – Dream & Reality (Mr.What? Remix)
Out now: Ritmo – Dream & Reality (Mr.What? Remix) Mr.What released the second single off his upcoming album titled ‘Waves on Water’. The album will be released on Iboga Records s…
Man With No Name – Earth Moving The Sun
“Earth Moving The Sun” is somewhat controversial album, released by Man With No Name (MWNN) in 1998 by Paul Oakenfold`s Perfecto Records. “On Earth Moving The Sun” MWNN goes t…