Join a delightful 2-hours-set of Iboga Records label boss DJ Emok @ Ozora Festival 2015. Emok set closed the 2nd day on the main stage @ the fantastic Ozora Festival 2015. For over 2 hours the experie…
Taste the new album coming from Martin Vice & Michael Banel
Martin Vice & Michael Banel will release their new album “The Sleeper Must Awaken” at Iboga Records, in March. Judging from the samples, the new album will feature unique and interesti…
join a trippy & organic journey: Saafi Brothers – Live On the Roadblog
“Life on the Roadblog” is a soundtrack of Saffi Brothers`s expreinces from going on tour. After re-discovering the magic “real-time-created-music” on tour, the group decided to…
Best new releases of the 2nd week of 2015
Lush of new releases on the 2nd week of 2015. Iboga Records released a massive VA compilation, featuring some of the best tunes released recently by the label, Zero 1 Records`s Earthling released a ne…
New compilation by Iboga Records: “Set: 23”
New compilation by Iboga Records: “Set: 23” Iboga Records released the 23rd edition in their never-ending “Set” series. The VA compilation includes some of the best tracks released recently on Iboga R…
Symbolic madness! 2 new teasers from symbolic
Symbolic will release 2 massive tunes soon, taste them here. Symbolic at work. First, the duo will release their remix to “Vertical Mode – Lucky Number” on Techsafari Records. The un…