Trippy illustration by Shahyar Vaseghi Shahyar Vaseghi is originally from Tehran in Iran. Ever since his childhood he had an interest in psychedelic a…
Listen to this week’s new releases 16/08/2016
And our weekly new releases update is here again! This week we have for you the new Ep from Si-moon in NBM Records, a new Ep from Daniel Lesden in Dig…
Momento Demento – MoDem Festival 2016
MoDem Festival 2016 Everybody who knows is talking about MoDem Festival. MoDem stands for Momento Demento, and apparently the name is a great represen…
Eclipse Festival 2016 in Canada – Just wow!
Eclipse Festival 2016 The thirteenth edition of the very special Canadian Eclipse Festival was held on the 28th of July on the shores of the Gatineau …
Listen to this week’s new releases 09/08/2016
And our weekly new releases update is here again! This week we have for you the new Ep from Shockwave in PsynOpticz Records, a new remix from Oforia t…
Kosmos Festival
Kosmos Festival 2016 There something different about Finland, something special, something psychedelic. You can hear it in Finnish psytrance, you alwa…