Darwish – An Ozora Immersive Experience
Darwish – An Ozora Immersive Experience
You want to go back to Ozora Festival 2018 for 90 minutes? Here we gave you a chance by joining Darwish’s special Ozora 2018 movie shot during his set. Darwish and his crew tried to create an immersive Ozora audio-visual experience, giving the viewers a real feel of what the people on the dancefloor where going through and where did the music take them. In short, to take you back to the Ozora dancefloor and feel you are there on the dancefloor.
[We] aimed with this movie to really capture how things you feel on the dancefloor during the festival, and not give another “DJ on stage” experience.
Darwish, David Abramov, is one of cornerstones of the Israeli underground psytrance scene. The parties that he organized in the late 90s and beginning of the new millennium with his late brother Itzik and DJ Nadi are legendary. As a DJ with a very unique sound and presence and a very diverse style he has a huge following in Israel. In the last years he has been playing more and more in the big European festivals and caught the attention of many.
Immerse yourself in Darwish Live Full set @ Ozora Festival 2018:
Darwish says about the set in Ozora this year: “Playing in Ozora is always special for me. I think it’s the connection you feel with the elements of nature that are so present and preserved in the magic valley, and the amazing people who come with an open mind and a wide open heart.”
Watch highlights from Darwish Set:
Together with Matan Kolker who directed and edited the movie Darwish says he aimed with this movie to really capture how things you feel on the dancefloor during the festival, and not give another “DJ on stage” experience. There are no set cameras here, it’s people going around with cameras on the dancefloor, around it and on stage.

Darwish also produces music for more than a decade now, creating an individual music style that combines electronic psychedelic trance music with unique ethnic, acoustic, rhythmic elements and driven uplifting vocals & percussions. He released on a variety of leading labels such as Hommega, Future Music Records, Nutek, Mainstage and others. This set has quite a lot of new tracks from him including up and coming collaborations due to be released soon on Nutek Records, and few other tracks from artists he loves and respects.