Iono Music Top Chillout Tracks
Iono Music Top Chillout Tracks
In 2005, two German psytrance artists -Matthias Sperlich (Cubixx) and Olaf Mauer (Murus) gave birth to a dream: create an electronic music label that transcends commercialism, compromise, and passing fads, and embraces imagination and creativity. Thus Berlin-based Iono Music was born, and has grown to become one of the top psychedelic electronic labels in the world.
Today, their psytrance and progressive trance street cred is sky-high, with such luminaries in their repetoire as E-Clip, Flegma, Mindwave, and Ritmo, to name a few. But did you know they have a relatively small but absolutely stellar collection of downtempo music ? Yes, every once in a blue moon, Iono presents a chillout release! Prepare to be thoroughly chilled by Gabi Peleg, Tor.Ma, Motion Drive, and other slowed-down beatniks. Prepare to soar into the ionosphere.