Old Goa Trance Party Flyers
Old Goa Trance Party Flyers
When Goa Trance started making its way from Goa in the 90s (Read more) to the rest of the world, parties started popping up in different countries. At these times there was no Facebook or social media, no navigation apps, and at the beginning there weren’t even cellular phones. So the main media to pass the info was the Party Flyer.
and since we are talking about people who were often high as fuck, some of the mistakes were hilarious.
At the beginning the parties were so underground and with no budget whatsoever and the flyers were drawn by hand and photocopied and distributed by friends. Later on, people started printing proper flyers, however, many times it was not really the people at the top of the graphic design profession that were involved, and the outcome was in accordance with that. To top it, once international DJs started appearing spelling mistakes followed and since we are talking about people who were often high as fuck, some of the mistakes were hilarious.
At the beginning the parties were so underground and with no budget whatsoever and the flyers were drawn by hand and photocopied and distributed by friends.
So here are some examples we collected from around the world of Old Goa Trance party flyers, enjoy, and feel free to send us your own old party flyers
Goa, 1990s.
Goa, 1990s.
Israel, 1990.
Israel, 1990.
Greece, Liquid Love first party, 1994.
Israel, 1994.
UK, 1995.
Greece, 1990s.
France, 1996.
Goa, 1996.
Israel, 1997.
Israel, 1998.
Israel, 1998.
Goa, 1999.
NYC, USA, 1999.
Israel, 1999.
Goa, 2000.